Automation delivers operational excellence for Moore Global.

Moore Global (formerly Moore Stephens) is a worldwide professional services firm, specialising in accountancy, tax and financial management.

Their purpose is to help people thrive, whether these are clients or the people and the communities they live and work in. Moore Global are a global accounting and advisory family of over 30,000 people across more than 260 independent firms and 110 countries, connecting and collaborating to take care of client needs locally, nationally and internationally.

Regular product enhancements Moore Global have aligned themselves to Quantios's upgrade release cycle, allowing them to take full advantage of regular enhancements.
Keeping informed With Quantios' webinar series which highlights new features or any known bugs Moore Global have a clear understanding of what product features are in-plan to help with forward planning and ensuring they're extracting maximum value.
Improved operations Working with Quantios has allowed Moore Global the ability to implement strong data management controls focused on data entry and validation, eliminating human errors which cost time and money.
Shaping future product development Quantios encourages feedback on its products and Moore Global have used been able to put forward their suggestions which ensures new product features are always client centric.
"Quantios are very industry aware and proactively build new functionality to support ongoing changes to regulatory compliance requirements, such as FATCA and CRS reporting."

A close working partnership 

Quantios deliver four Product Advisory Group sessions around the global. This allows Moore Global and other customers to come together to have an open discussion about proposals for new product development, current product feature enhancements and an opportunity to discuss local regulator change which could effect product development. 

Read the full case study to find out why Moore Global chose Quantios.